Shedland a Virtual repository of our Past, Present and Future,
The Brand New Home of Green and Solar and part of the World of Rod Brown
An Oldwuzzark Production
Greetings to all the little Acorns, however far away you may be.
Welcome to the new home of the
Solar Power Pages of SHEDLAND
The original Shedland Solar power experiments continue on a larger scale
Come back to view progress and updates about just how well this works
An unbiased report from a private individual, The truth as it happens !
The Purchase :- ? , The Installation :- ? The Performance :- ?
This months Midi is an extract from 'Simmer of Spring' !
One foot in the past, one foot in the future
*** Enjoying the present ***
April 2013 Edition
Thermodynamic Hot Water Installation 'Coming Soon'
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An Oldwuzzark Production
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